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Welcome to 40 Gay Windsor.

Probably Windsor's best 40+ gay dating website

Join today to meet local mature gay men over 40 in the easiest and most hassle free convenient way possible, from home, or on your mobile while out and about.

Our professional gay dating website is safe, secure and completely confidential.

Just a few of our member benefits*:

  • Post your free photo profile
  • Find mature gay men in Windsor
  • See who's online now
  • See who's viewed your profile
  • Send instant messages
  • And many more...
What is 40+ Gay Dating Canada

What Is 40+ Gay Dating?

Before we were given the miracle of the Internet, we were stuck with either meat market telephone dating services or ant sized personal ads in local newspapers or a national magazine. Since the Internet arrived, we've been spoilt for choice of which website or dating app to use to find that special genuine somebody. But how many of those gay dating sites or apps are tailored for mature guys like you? Not that many, which is why we created just for you.

When you join a gay dating website such as 40 Gay Canada, instead of sending a personal ad in the post or leaving a jittery voice profile over the phone, you can write a realistic profile about yourself, who you'd like to meet and what experiences you'd like to share with somebody you really click with. Don't forget to add a happy photo of yourself in a well lit room as well. You really will get 80% more attention with a photo profile.

Once you're happy with your live profile, you can either sit back and wait guys to contact you, or you can browse single gay men local to you or from across the country. Once you've found somebody exciting, drop them a line and break the ice.

Why not sign up now for free and see who's online near you.

Look who's just signed up in Windsor...

Here is just a small selection of our latest members in the Windsor area.

How Does 40 Gay Work?

We've made our dating website as easy as possible to use. Just follow these simple steps...

  • Step 1

    Join For Free

    Sign up for your free trial dating account using our signup form above.

  • Step 2

    Post Your Own Free Profile

    Let other single guys find you with your shiny new profile complete with your best photo.

  • Step 3

    Find Singles Near You

    Use our easy search tool to find single gay men over 40 by postcode. It's so easy.

  • Step 4

    Break The Ice

    Send message to the sguys that catch your eye and reply to messages sent to you.

Want a cheeky peak at a few members near you?

We have lots of single guys over 40 in our database, looking to meet other guys, just like you. Just select either your nearest city or your region from the menu's below for a preview of our latest members near you.

Our preview not good enough?

Use our simple search tool is here to help you find guys in your exact chosen age range and location. Give it a whirl to find your perfect match today.

Simple Safe Fun Dating

Why Choose 40 Gay Dating?

With many members across the country, ours is one of Canada's longest running and most trusted gay dating websites for the over 40's, with award winning customer service.


Our service and the tools we offer are as simple to use as possible, but should you find yourself a little stuck, support is just a click away, no matter what the problem might be. Don't be shy, get in touch.

Safety Matters

We take your safety and privacy very seriously. Our team of moderators work 24/7, checking each and every member profile on our website, ensuring everyone who uses our service is who they say they are. Your personal details are kept under lock and key.

Simple Safe Fun 40s Dating
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